By rmgreen - 4 Sep 2017
I have installed v 6.20 on Windows 10 x64. All attempts to use an RDP connection give this error:

By Yury Averkiev (s-code) - 4 Sep 2017
Hi, I've tested v6.20 on Windows 1703 15063.540 and Windows 10 10240. I cannot reproduce the problem with launching RDP connection.
Please let us know your Windows 10 installation build number and the bitness of your SmartCode VNC Manager installation (32 or 64 bit).
By rmgreen - 4 Sep 2017
Windows version is 1703 15063.540. VNC Manager is 64 bit. I have tried on 2 very different machines with same error.
By Yury Averkiev (s-code) - 4 Sep 2017
I've just installed Windows 1703 x64 with the latest updates and I'm unable to reproduce the problem  May I ask you to do the following: 1) Run msinfo32.exe and export the system report to an external file 2) ZIP the content of the following folder: %APPDATA%\SmartCode Solutions\VNC Manager\
Send both files to
By Yury Averkiev (s-code) - 5 Sep 2017
Also, what's the version of the Remote Desktop Connection client? Open the system menu and select the About command.

By rmgreen - 5 Sep 2017
Files you requested have been E-mailed. Client version:

By Yury Averkiev (s-code) - 5 Sep 2017
Just an wild idea. Please open cmd.exe in elevated mode. Change directory to c:\windows\system32 and run the following command: regsvr32 mstscax.dll
When this has been done, try to open an RDP connection in SmartCode VNC Manager.
By rmgreen - 5 Sep 2017
This didn't change anything.
By Yury Averkiev (s-code) - 5 Sep 2017
That's unfortunate. I've just received the files that you sent to support@. I will take a look at those now.
By Yury Averkiev (s-code) - 6 Sep 2017
The issue has been identified and fixed. The problem occurred only if SmartCode VNC Manager was launched NOT VIA Start Menu. Hence the reason why the majority do not run into the problem with RDP connection. We have uploaded new v6.20.1 installer that fixes the issue.